Long time no speak.
Just so you know, today marks the day Season 2 ends. Wooo!
Would have finished it earlier, but, you know. RSI, work, other multiple projects. Speaking of projects.
Random Vignettes will go on a (hopefully) brief hiatus for the next few weeks. I want to focus on finishing Duso (yes, that’s a story driven comic that will actually end). I’m not entirely sure how many more pages there will be, but we will see!
That being said, two things:
- Keep an eye out for when the .pdf for Season 2 comes out (soon! I will let you know through here!)
- I am starting an official Ask Me Anything. Leave a comment on this post or on the 100th Vignette or @ me in the Fediverse or write me an email (ject@jectoons.net). I will pick some questions and make sporadic updates here on the website in the form of vignettes answering them. Hopefully I get some questions! If I don’t… I guess I’ll update whenever season 3 starts.
Thanks for reading. Please go read Duso, which should restart updating this week or the next, and if you like my work consider buying me a coffee on my ko-fi page.
Stay safe.