Banner with the logo for Random Vignettes. It has those letter written in an eclectic style, and it also says 'CC-BY', '' and 'by JECT'

#24 Sign Delusions

In this cartoon there's a comparison between two signs. First sign has a title that says 'What it says:'; the actual sign says: 'MAXIMUM 50 km/hr'. Second sign has a title that says 'What people think it says:'; the actual sign says: 'At leasr 50km/hr but do what you want yolo'.
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September 12th, 2022

Peeps just wanna go vroom vroom, screw the signs.


Left side: What it says - MAXIMUM 50km/hr

Right side: What people think it says - AT LEAST 50km/hr but do what you want yolo.