Banner with the logo for Random Vignettes. It has those letter written in an eclectic style, and it also says 'CC-BY', '' and 'by JECT'

#39 Weird Sound

In this cartoon there's a man bringing in his car for a check-up at a shop and telling the mechanic 'Dunno. There's a weird sound coming from under the hood'. The mechanic looks at the hood and notices there's a bunch of arms, legs, and bycicle tires coimg out of it. There's some text that says '570 Pedestrians and 84 cyclists were killed or injured in accidents involving cars between 2010-2019 in BC. (according to data from RoadSafetyBC.)'
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October 17th, 2022

Yeah it was like 'Please stop' and 'Right on Red Makes us Dead'.


Driver: Dunno. There's a weird sound coming from under the hood.

Text: 570 Pedestrians and 84 cyclists were killed or injured in accidents involving cars between 2010-2019 in BC. (according to data from RoadSafetyBC.)