Banner with the logo for Random Vignettes. It has those letter written in an eclectic style, and it also says 'CC-BY', '' and 'by JECT'

#43 Cup Holders

In this cartoon a car salesman is trying to sell a vehicle to a couple. He leans on the machine and says 'Sure, it'll lose 10% of its value the minute you drive away from here, 40% in the next five years, and the price of gas and your monthly payments will literally break you... BUT. Those cup-holders are in-cre-di-ble!'
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November 1st, 2022

That definitely makes up for all the downsides!


Salesman: Sure, it'll lose 10% of its value the minute you drive away from here, 40% in the next five years, and the price of gas and your monthly payments will literally break you... BUT. Those cup-holders are in-cre-di-ble!