Banner with the logo for Random Vignettes. It has those letters written in an eclectic style, and it also says 'CC-BY', '' and 'by JECT'

#113 Imbalance

In this cartoon we see a scale that on one side weighs a landlord and on the other a tenant. The tenant's side has a dingy receptacle, dangles on top of an abyss and the roap is on the verge of breaking. The tenant is giving a nervous thumbs up to the landlord. The landlord is looking excitedly at the tenant from their receptacle made of gold and hanging with a sturdy chain. They are surrounded by houses. The landlord says 'I'm suuuure we'll get along GREAT!!!'
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July 6th, 2024

We will have to get along 'great'.


Landlord: I'm suuuure we'll get along GREAT!!!