Banner with the logo for Random Vignettes. It has those letters written in an eclectic style, and it also says 'CC-BY', '' and 'by JECT'

#114 Bootstraps

In this cartoon we see a group of people surrounding a person on the ground who is holding their bootstraps and looking flustered. Some of them stare indifferently, some making fun, some annoyed, some cheer for them. One of the onlookers has approached the person on the ground and is lending out a hand. The person on the ground yells 'Keep your HANDS to yourSELF!! I'll SHOW yoU! I'll pull myself up AND SHOW you that it CAN BE DONE!!!'
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July 7th, 2024

I think that accepting help is strength too.


Person on ground: Keep your HANDS to yourSELF!! I'll SHOW you! I'll pull myself up AND SHOW you that it CAN BE DONE!!